About Us

Duncan Gromko

I grew up in Ohio, went to undergrad at Swarthmore, and did my Master's at Johns Hopkins SAIS. I was a health/environment volunteer in Peace Corps Morocco, which is the real reason that I am so invested in the environment. I currently work at the Inter-American Development Bank on their Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Initiative.

I chose the title "Natural Capital" because the overarching theme of the blog will be considering the merits and problems with treating the environment as an asset to be invested in based upon its value. The goal of the blog is to provide discussion on this and other topics that is accessible to non-experts. I think there are a lot of good ideas out there, but they're not being communicated as well as they could be.

Nick Cunningham
Originally from Maryland, I currently live in DC with my wife Sarah.  I went to Johns Hopkins SAIS and now work on energy and climate issues for the American Security Project, a small think-tank. 

Before that, I taught English in Argentina. I hope to get back to Latin America some day. I am passionate about the environment, travel, and unfortunately the Philadelphia Eagles.